I'm really excited for The Year of Austin. Just so you know what that entails, T.Y.A. is the year I become more of everything I've always wanted to be. I'll be fitter, happier, more productive. I'll maintain a regular sleeping schedule. I'll get better grades. I'll build a professional portfolio. I'll keep my room clean. I'll go on more dates. I'll earn more money. I'll be more frugal. I'll invest. I'll read my scriptures every day, go to the temple more often, and home teach every month. I'll exercise regularly. I'll eat healthier. I'll read more and better books. I'll plan my time. I'll write something more substantial than blog posts. I'll develop my talents. I'll wear contact lenses more than glasses. I'll go treasure hunting. I'll be kinder. This may all sound familiar.
Like I said, it's pretty exciting. I'll keep you posted on how it all goes down.
I'm gonna hold you to all of it.
::the gentle sound of crickets chirping::
no no really Austin, I do believe you. didn't you forget get married
This is the sweetest picture you could have posted for the year of Austin. And I think you're right. This is going to be a very exciting year.
except, what's wrong with wearing glasses?
Ditto both of Mary's comments.
I like your blogging vim.
I think the year of Austin sounds like a fabulous year, hopefully there is a big party at the end of the year with a big cake, I want to be invited.
Diller, I hope you do.
Justin, those chirps will be heeded this year.
Smith, I'm not making any kind of promises in that department.
Mary, I think I look better (generally) with contacts. People can see my eyes.
Emily, Vim is my expertise. Thank you.
Nancy, you have a standing invitation to the coming party near the end of T.Y.A.
WISE, i was joking on all fronts
That all sounds great. except for the contacts. you should make a resolution to wear glasses more often because you look really great in glasses, especially the black rimmed ones. I'm probably not the only one who thinks this...you should take a poll.
Jasie, done.
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