I'm listening to Animal by Miike Snow right now.

from BYU Diploma Status
to Austin Michael Craig
date Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 10:13 PM
subject Your BYU Bachelor of Arts has been mailed
Dear Austin,
Congratulations on receiving your Bachelor of Arts from Brigham Young University.
As of 10/2/2009 your diploma was mailed to:
Austin Michael Craig
4** N 2** E
Provo UT 84606
Please allow up to 10 days for delivery via 'First Class US Mail'.
Please do not call Brigham Young University at this time,
as your diploma has already been mailed.
Click the following link to VIEW YOUR DIPLOMA!
Congratulations again on your fine achievement!
Congratulations again on your fine achievement, Austin :)
YAY! Finally! Congratulations Austin
Congrats my brother, that is a huge achievement and you'll never regret it for a moment. I suggest you buy yourself a nice frame and put it up where you can see it often. That will help to quell the nightmares that you forgot a test, or were in a class that you forgot you'd signed up for and hadn't been attending, and it was time to take the final exam. Believe me, I've had them
My congrats to you as well Austin. You should celebrate. Wanna go somewhere warm?
do you feel a little like you got away with something really good, that's how I felt when I got mine.
You're freeeeeeeeeee!!!
I'm happy for you -- nice job!
i feel like i should say something cheesy here like "now you can really start learning"
There is a suspiciously large white envelope with your name on it at the house. p. s. this is not from Becky although it will show up as being from her. Congratulations on having the actual documentation.
And you were worried about that unfinished assignment! Congrats!
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